Friday, March 5, 2010

Internet Relay Chat Is Live iModZone IRC

We here at iModZone are pleased to announce we now have IRC. Here are some of the benefits of IRC. 1 You get messages almost instantly. 2 You can be informed with sound of new messages or new people joining. 3 You can chat with an individual person privately. 4 You can start a room for a meeting if you ever need to talk over an application idea to a group of people. 5 You can access it when iModZone's server is down. 6 You don't have to use the web to talk on it. 7 You know who's on the room instead of you going and asking, "Anyone here?" How can you access it? Here are the different ways. Web Clients 1 You can use the preview box on the index of the forums. 2 You can use the iModZone IRC Client, formatted for the iPhone. Please note that this doesn't get your information from iModZone, if you don't have an account on IRC don't enter a password. 3 You can use mibbit. iPhone Clients 1 Colloquy. 2 FlowChat. 3 LimeChat. 4 When I get time, our free one. Mac Clients 1 Colloquy. 2 Adium. Windows Clients 1 mirc. 2 xChat. 3 Pidgin. Linux Clients 1 xChat. 2 Pidgin. Of course there are a lot more IRC clients out there, so just search around and you'll find them. To join our IRC Channel on any IRC Client. The server is, the port is 6667, and the channel is #iModZone.
by Ljrit